Human Anatomy

Anterior cruciate ligament. Anatomy, where it is, rupture, damage, degenerative changes, treatment
Human Anatomy

Anterior cruciate ligament. Anatomy, where it is, rupture, damage, degenerative changes, treatment

Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) plays an important role in ensuring the motor functions of the knee joint and is anatomically one of its internal ...

Tricuspid valve of the heart. Where is located, is between what, what is it, anatomy
Human Anatomy

Tricuspid valve of the heart. Where is located, is between what, what is it, anatomy

Any changes in the work of the cardiovascular system are dangerous to human life. Impaired blood circulation provokes numerous diseases and complic...

Cortisol is a hormone. What is responsible for in the human body, where is it produced
Human Anatomy

Cortisol is a hormone. What is responsible for in the human body, where is it produced

Cortisol or "fear hormone" is responsible for stabilizing many processes in the human body. He takes on protective functions. Glucocorticoid has a ...

Leather and its derivatives (table). Histology, human anatomy
Human Anatomy

Leather and its derivatives (table). Histology, human anatomy

Human skin - this is the largest organ, the weight of which can reach 10 kg, and the total area - up to 2 m2. Its derivatives create the necessary ...

Knee-joint. Human anatomy, structure, ligaments, bones, injury, pain
Human Anatomy

Knee-joint. Human anatomy, structure, ligaments, bones, injury, pain

The knee has a little unstable structure. However, it is capable of supporting a person's full body weight when standing and much more when walking...

Coronary arteries of the heart. Scheme, anatomy, what is it, CT, ultrasound, photo
Human Anatomy

Coronary arteries of the heart. Scheme, anatomy, what is it, CT, ultrasound, photo

The heart is the main engine of the body. Throughout a person's life, it constantly beats and reaches maximum performance under increased loads. Th...

The bridge of the nose. Where is it, why it itches, hurts, inflammation, photo, anatomy
Human Anatomy

The bridge of the nose. Where is it, why it itches, hurts, inflammation, photo, anatomy

The nasal bones are found in the upper middle part of the face. They form the top of the bridge of the nose and determine the size and shape of the...

The cerebral cortex. Brain histology, functions, structure, what is formed
Human Anatomy

The cerebral cortex. Brain histology, functions, structure, what is formed

The cerebral hemispheres are difficult organized nerve center. The histological structure of the cortex is represented by various layers, in which ...

Inferior vena cava. Where is located, anatomy, tributaries, functions, what kind of blood flows, diseases, treatment
Human Anatomy

Inferior vena cava. Where is located, anatomy, tributaries, functions, what kind of blood flows, diseases, treatment

The inferior vena cava (IVC) is large retroperitoneal vessel, which is formed by the fusion of the left and right iliac veins. Anatomically, this u...

Anabolism is what is in biology, stages, table, examples
Human Anatomy

Anabolism is what is in biology, stages, table, examples

Anabolism is a type biochemical reaction in biology, in which the synthesis of complex molecules from simple precursors occurs.Record content:1 The...

Catabolism is what in biology, stages, table, examples
Human Anatomy

Catabolism is what in biology, stages, table, examples

Anabolism and catabolism, as you can learn from the course in molecular biology, these are 2 phases of intermediate metabolism. The processes are c...

Types of figures in men. Photos, titles, description
Human Anatomy

Types of figures in men. Photos, titles, description

Particular attention began to be paid to the structure of the figure even in antiquity, when sculptures appeared, and in architecture, the decorati...