Human Anatomy

The transverse spinous muscle of the back. Anatomy, functions, innervation, massage
Human Anatomy

The transverse spinous muscle of the back. Anatomy, functions, innervation, massage

On the back of the body there are 3 layers of muscles that are connected to the spine and run from the pelvis to the head. These deep back muscles ...

Human heredity in biology. What is it, genetics, x y chromosomes, species, diagram, generations
Human Anatomy

Human heredity in biology. What is it, genetics, x y chromosomes, species, diagram, generations

Heredity is one of the fundamental concepts in genetics as a branch of biological science that studies the principles and patterns of transmission ...

What is the largest muscle in the human body? Photo, title, anatomy
Human Anatomy

What is the largest muscle in the human body? Photo, title, anatomy

In total, there are up to 850 different muscles in the human body - organs that can contract and relax under the influence of nerve impulses. When ...

BMI (Body Mass Index). How to calculate, formula, calculation example, result evaluation
Human Anatomy

BMI (Body Mass Index). How to calculate, formula, calculation example, result evaluation

Body mass index (BMI) is a conditional indicator of the ratio of height and weight, which WHO considers important for assessing the risks of develo...

Lower eyelid. This is where it is, anatomy, structure, why it twitches, treatment
Human Anatomy

Lower eyelid. This is where it is, anatomy, structure, why it twitches, treatment

The human visual apparatus, together with auxiliary structures, ensures the clarity and quality of perception of the surrounding reality. The eyeli...

The mechanism of muscle contraction. Physiology in brief, diagram
Human Anatomy

The mechanism of muscle contraction. Physiology in brief, diagram

Muscles and nerve fibers, which are responsible for the mechanism of muscle contraction, allow a person to perform many movements, and internal org...

Gonadotropic hormones are what the pituitary gland is in women, men
Human Anatomy

Gonadotropic hormones are what the pituitary gland is in women, men

Gonadotropic hormones are vital because they are responsible for the functioning of the sex glands in the human body. In case of failures in the de...

External oblique muscle of the abdomen. Functions, anatomy, location, aches, sprains, spasms
Human Anatomy

External oblique muscle of the abdomen. Functions, anatomy, location, aches, sprains, spasms

Abdominal muscles are part of a group of muscles that form the walls of the abdominal cavity from the front and from the sides.The group includes:o...

Temporomandibular joint. Anatomy, structure, muscles, functions, treatment
Human Anatomy

Temporomandibular joint. Anatomy, structure, muscles, functions, treatment

The temporomandibular joint is a bone with cartilage, holding the lower jaw with the base of the skull.This bone is a paired nodule, since the move...

Achilles (Achilles) tendon. Where is the person on the leg, photo, anatomy
Human Anatomy

Achilles (Achilles) tendon. Where is the person on the leg, photo, anatomy

The largest anatomical education from the connective tissue begins at the confluence of the heads of the triceps gastrocnemius muscle. It is locate...

Internal carotid artery. Anatomy, its branches, scheme
Human Anatomy

Internal carotid artery. Anatomy, its branches, scheme

The carotid artery is the main vessel in the human body, supplying blood to the head and neck. Its inner branch supplies oxygen to the brain. Anato...

Pectoralis minor muscle. Anatomy, functions, photo, stretching, exercises, syndrome
Human Anatomy

Pectoralis minor muscle. Anatomy, functions, photo, stretching, exercises, syndrome

Small chest Is a small, thick muscle located in the upper chest. The anatomical arrangement of the organ contributes to the raising of the ribs, th...